The heist

(Inspired by Crookhaven School For Theifs Book 1)

Six uncanny pupils. One reason that brings them together. With the mission to avenge their Chromebook-less peers, after the iniquitous principal immorally seized the love of their lives from right under their noses. Six children with extraordinary skills were selected to perform in a certain do-or-die situation. But first, they need to tackle hard-core security measures, and ninja leveled laser obstacle courses to achieve the taste of sweet success.

However, every successful mission needs a plan. Albert, a mastermind in the study of, well everything, along with Bob the athletic pupil scaled and wrote down all important notes. This included the times the principal had organized meetings, the times of her lunch breaks, and what times her toilet breaks were. Finally, the faithful day came, the biggest heist in the history of Linden Park Primary School. The day to get revenge.

The time of the robbery was finally here. Everything depended on this moment. Jamal, the hacker and tech mastermind, found the places where all the staff members never go via the dark gray and HD quality cameras scanning all over the places with lenses working as a flashlight searching the darkness. Then, at the exact moment of 10:32 am, the crooks went into action. Acting like innocent children, they crept into the office. Pepe the expert lock picker and amazing actor instantly started acting like a small naive child who had hurt himself.

“Excuse me, someone got hurt outside, he needs urgent attention.” Saltwater dripped down his skin and his lips contorted into a backward ‘u’.  Without any word or expression, the staff at the desk immediately got into action. Within that time, Pepe swiftly acted and got a compartment with a white crushed-up sleeping tablet in it. Discreetly, he opened the coffee the receptionist was sipping from and emptied the drug in it. Then, he mixed it in with his finger and put the lid back on. After that, the strategic six scurried out of the now silent office. 

The front desk receptionists were fast asleep. Both of them cluelessly explore the dimension of dreams. Realizing that there was a wide opportunity, the leader Charles bolted to the front desk. In the glimpse of an eye, Charles had begun to unravel all of the files creating chaos. Document after document, getting aimlessly thrown into the air and scattered all along the old gray floor mat. His fingers move like someone creating a tapestry. And finally, he found what he was finding. A sticky note with the number ‘3398’ is inscribed on it. Now, he and the others had access to the staffroom. He was prouder than Indiana Jones when he located the Arc of the Covenant. But the mission would only get harder.

“OK, team. We have completed the first step. We have received the code which will open up the door to the secret passageway”, exclaimed Albert,” So far, Bob has told us that the secret passageway is through the library vents. We will have to go down the insulation vents and into a metal and strong-looking door shaped like a cube, about 1 meter long from each side. That door-like passageway will only open with a particular PIN, which in this case is the PIN that Charles has so skillfully got for us. The pin is 3398. Remember this number all of you. After that, we will maneuver over the lasers and Jamal will ever so kindly disable the cameras, enabling us to get Pepe to pick the safe’s lock and then we will have the Chromebooks back. 

The pupils hurried to the library. Pepe creates a distraction that makes the librarian go inside of his office enabling all six kids to rusk into the rusty old steel vent adjacent to the ceiling fan in the learning section of the library. They used a blue-colored high chair with four steel legs and back plastic protection at the bottom. This was stable enough to get the children up and into the vent. After all of the children squeezed every muscle into the vent, they started their journey. The vent was dusty with spiderwebs hanging like Christmas decorations. Dust lay thickly like winter’s first snow. The journey seemed impossible. However, Bob helped the team contort their body through the vents. And as they turned a corner they finally found the door. It was a rather slim one, however, they all mustered their ability and were able to make their way to the next stage: Security.  

In Front of their eyes, was a giant and spacious room well-illuminated with red lasers all over the place. Each laser roughly had a 40cm gap from the next one making it extremely. There were diagonal lasers, horizontal lasers, vertical lasers, and lasers that moved in all directions. The odds were stacked against them. But the six people defied the odds. Bob the athletic one went first and demolished the course in just mere seconds. But, at the same time, he was crowned state champion in athletics three years in a row. And considering he was sweaty after reaching the other side, it indicates the statement that this is a very hard course to complete. One by one, each student took turns to attempt to reach the other side without getting caught up in the lasers. Charles was successful, and so was Pepe. But then came Jamal. Considering that he has to carry a heavy computer on his shoulder, this could cost them the entire mission. The others had just made it through, but how will Jamal? After all, Jamal was a scrawny young kid with a pair of round, black glasses, there was no way that he could carry such a weight and make it across without touching a laser. But he started anyway. The first few lasers were easy, all he had to do was duck under them or just step over them. But when he reached the moving lasers, he almost knew that he was done for. 

Suddenly, Jamal noticed a 20cm gap underneath the lasers which was a perfect-sized gap to slide the computer through. He gently and cautiously took the computer off of his shoulder and placed it sideways on the floor. Then, with all his might, he gave the computer a strong nudge making it slide to the other. Relieved, the other picked up the essential device and prayed that Jamal would make it across. The first laser was easy, but they gradually got faster and faster, until he realized that it was too fast for him to outrun. But anyway, he had to go for it. He gathered up all the motivation he could and ran. He bolted faster than he had ever done before. The others felt as if he would just run into the vault to break into it. That was until he tripped on a laser. A cacophony of green, yellow, and red alarms went off. But they couldn’t give up. The vault was only meters away, but felt like miles away was a green polished vault shining in the darkness like a flashlight in a dark cave. Pepe clenched his special lockpicking pin in his right and dominant hand and instantly started working. But in the shallow distance, were a pack of police dogs and armed men. Considering that trespassing was a serious federal offense, they weren’t joking about this matter. Just then the vault clicked and all six leaped inside and closed the door,  just trapping the police force outside. 

“ Vault Locked”, sounded an AI voice. 

The students were relieved, but then all of a sudden. They saw something no one would imagine. The teachers were playing Minecraft education on the Chromebooks!


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