why we need to learn slowly to learn properly

These days many people tend to want to learn something quickly – whether it be how to code, how to do a certain math problem, or even how to write good stories – everyone wants to do everything quickly, so that they can get new skills in a minimum amount of time. So many times, I have heard people that refuse to give that much time to learning a new skill, but wanting to learn the skill by heart. So, in this article, I will be talking about if this is the right way to do – or not.

Well, according to Faisal Bari, the new generation of kids wants to learn everything fast. They want to aquire new skills without doing that much work, and think that is the way to succeed. Many people don’t have the time, or just don’t want to invest the time into learning a new skill. For example, things like learning a new mathematics skill takes practise, learning what the skill is, doing those skills in questions, and then applying it in real life. And after that, people have to do it again and again in order to store this information in their brain. Without all this practise and dedication, it will be very hard to learn new skills.

To add on, learners also need to make mistakes. I’m sure all of us have rolled our eyes when our teacher tells us that Mistakes are a step to success, but what htey are saying is ture. When we make mistakes, we are most open to learning where we went wrong, and fix those things. It helps our skills to recognise where we went wrong, and learn how we went wrong, and how to fix our mixtakes. If we didn’t get it wrong, instead we got it correct, our tolerance to getting questions incorrect would grow lower, and then if we got one incorrect, we would get really upset.

The main reason why people don’t want to do all of this work to learn a new skill is becuase of how much effort, grit, and time it takes. It takes grit to keep of learning, and struggiling to learn a skill. However, most people don’t want to do this, as they fear loosing, or making mistakes. They also don’t want to invest time, becuase they seemingly have too many other things to do. But still, they want the praise for knowing things. They want to be acclaimed. Without doing any work. Also, many kids that have been learning in this generation of AI, and the internet just want to learn the answer already. If people don’t know answers, they just want to search it on Google, or ChatGPT. They don’t have any grit to go, and search deeply for the answer. They don’t want to do any research.

So, in conclusion, we need to spend more time learning, and spend more time having grit. We need to spend more time learning if we want the results.

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